A Buyer’s Home Inspection Checklist

Buying a home in Dallas can be an exciting, rewarding experience or it can end up being one of the most stressful things you’ve ever done in your life. There are many different things to consider, and if you’re not careful, you could lose your dream home because of something as simple as a faulty sprinkler system or missing HVAC filters. 

This comprehensive Dallas home inspection checklist will help you make sure that everything has been inspected before you sign on the dotted line and take ownership of your new home.

What does a home inspection include? 

A home inspection is typically an overall evaluation of your home’s mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, not to mention its roof and foundation. During the home inspection process, you will walk through each room of your house with your inspector. They will note any issues that need to be addressed immediately and any problems that may come up in future years. You can even ask questions along the way— after all, it’s your new home!

Have your home inspection checklist ready in advance to ensure you don’t miss anything and can ask questions along the way.

The Home Inspection Checklist

Before setting up an appointment with your inspector, it’s always smart to review your home’s major components (at least) to make sure they are functional. Here are some tips for what you should be looking for before getting in touch with a professional.

1. Plumbing 

Does your water flow freely from every tap and faucet? 

Are there any leaks or drips? 

Do you have an emergency shut-off valve for your main water supply line? 

Is there any visible damage to pipes, valves, faucets, and fixtures? 

Are all of your toilets flushing properly?

2. Electrical work 

Are all of your light fixtures in working order? 

Are there any frayed or bare wires, loose connections, or exposed electrical outlets? 

Are your circuit breakers and fuses working properly?

3. HVAC 

Is the HVAC system working properly? 

Is your heating and cooling system functioning properly?

Are there any leaks or signs of damage to ductwork, vents, or any other part of your HVAC system? 

4. Roof and Attic 

Does your roof look in good condition? 

If you have an attic, does it seem structurally sound? 

5. Exterior walls 

Do all exterior walls look structurally sound? 

Are there any visible cracks or holes? 

6. Interior

Is there evidence of water damage? 

Are all the interior walls, ceilings, and floors in good condition?

7. Foundation 

Is your foundation in good shape? 

8. Doors and windows 

Are all doors and windows secure? 

9. Basement Access

Can you easily get into your basement for routine maintenance and inspections?

These are just some of the things you should look for when conducting your home inspection and preparing your checklist.

Before you spend any money on your new home, you’ll want to take some time to inspect it—even if your real estate agent says there’s nothing wrong. Make sure you don’t miss anything by following our Dallas home inspection checklist, and we promise you won’t regret it.


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